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Strategic Plan

The strategic plan is driven by the suggestions of our members and visitors to the club. We invite you to make submissions and trust you will be patient and understanding while the acting volunteer board considers and prioritizes each suggestion. The Club operates on a lean budget and relies heavily on guests, sponsorship, grants and donations to survive. No suggestion is too crazy to make the plan, however please be patient and understand that resources are limited and often what may appear to be a simple fixes, requires fundraising or a longer term approach to implement successfully.
Sprig Bar Project
Complete the JD Sprig Bar Renovation with a grand opening and guest speaker event to welcome members and contributors to enjoy the new space. - Geoff Barnett
Green Size Increase
Is it possible to increase the size of some or all of our greens and improve the playability of the surrounds? The greens have shrunk in size considerably over the years. - Stephen McCaa
Grant Application
Native Plantings #2,4
Grant applications have been made to Council and also to The Yealand's Trust for funding for native plantings on #2 and #4. The aim is to beautify the course and also reduce needless mowing time. - Greens
Shade Sails
We are current in the design phase for sun shades on the patio at the club. We will then look at possible funding avenues or sun smart grant options that may be available. - Robin Whiting
Boundary Fence #6
There is a plan in progress to reclaim our rightful boundary to the right of hole 6. We may require volunteers and material support to complete this project prior to works commencing on a sub-division - MGC Board
Boundary Adjustment
It has come to our attention that part of the 12th green and 13th tee or not on our land. We are negotiating a short term and long term solution to rectify this with the neighbouring property owner.
- MGC Board